Mzansi Arts Development Ensemble


Adopt a Home

The Adopt a Home project is an initiative sparked by the staff of Mzansi Arts Development Ensemble with the need to give back, especially to the INK communities in which it operates. With many other initiatives that serve the same purpose, MADE realised that it is time that community members take ownership of their own communities, as echoed in the spirit of Ubuntu.

Mzansi Arts Development Ensemble Mzansi Arts Development Ensemble

Adopt a Home encourages individuals and organisations who are directly and indirectly part of these communities to lend a helping hand.

One of the families that is supported is the Nxumalo family based in KwaMashu. The Nxumalo family has ten members; two adults and eight children. One of the children is a physically-challenged toddler who is unable to walk, and crawls to move around the house but does not have appropriate protective gear for his knees. This family survives with government grant money and the house that they live in is in dire need of renovations.

Help kids in Africa

With funds donated by MADE donors and staff members, we were able to assist the family with groceries on our monthly visits. We are still continuing to raise funds for the family and appeal to the media and the public to assist in helping this family. Anyone can contribute and we call upon community members, schools and churches to collect donations of food, household items and clothes towards helping Adopt A Home family.